It’s a Princess Thing - The Little Mermaid

What can we learn from Ariel and her adventures

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The Little Mermaid is a great movie now that I have watched it a million of times, but growing up I did not really understand Ariel or the movie itself that much.

I can still remember the very first time I watched the movie and I just felt weird how easily Ariel gave up her voice to be with the prince she has never even spoken to and how she is more than capable of signing her name on the contract Ursula presented her, then why did she not just write down who she was on a piece of paper.

However, I am not a child who watches Disney movies anymore. Now I am a grown up who watches Disney movies over and over again because it is fun to relive your childhood.

And do you know what’s great about watching your childhood movies as an adult? You get to notice so many new things every time, you get to experience the story from a new perspective and you get to learn quite a few things as well such as -

Image Courtesy of Disney Princesses Website
  • Dream On

Everyone has dreams and no dream is big or small.

Ariel’s dream was to explore and learn about the human world. She made a few mistakes along the way, got in trouble quite a few times with her father but she never gave up on her dreams.

If we give up on our dreams, we will always look back at the time lost, wonder what if and we will not be living up to our full potential. However, if we have the courage to pursue our dreams, we have a bigger chance to succeed and less time to regret.

  • Importance of Friends in your life

Friends are a very important part of all our lives. Our friends are always honest with us, encourage & support us, but that doesn’t mean they won’t call us out when we need to.

Just like that Ariel has Flounder, Scuttle and Sebastian. They might not always understand the level of Ariel’s of curiosity but they are always there for her.

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  • The power of Curiosity

One quality of Ariel that I have always loved the most is her curiosity.

Yes, she keeps breaking her father’s rules and going off to explore and find things but using fork to comb your hair totally makes sense and was a great discovery.

I believe curiosity is important for a person to be fearless, independent and creative.

  • Knowing what you are getting into (Contracts)

We all remember the scene when Ariel oh so famously signs the contract Ursula presents her with and on top of it closes her eyes while signing it.

Now, Ariel closing the eyes holds a lot of significance to show how she chose to just believe whatever Ursula said to her and didn’t even read the contract. And what about the fine print? Because there is always the fine print. This would not end well at all for any of us in the real world.

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  • The importance of having a VOICE

No matter how many times I watched this movie in the beginning, one thing that always bothered me was Ariel giving up her voice, which led to the frustration of “why can’t she write who she is on a piece of paper and give it to Eric.”

However, now watching the movie as an adult, I understand the message and the lesson that Disney is conveying and the importance of having a voice and being heard.

We all need our voice to speak our mind, fight for our dreams, fight for what’s right, and fighting for others when there is injustice. If we don’t use our voices, there will be no change in the world.

So, what is your favorite Ariel moment?Comment blow.

So, what is your favorite Ariel moment?

Comment blow.


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