What can we learn from the house of Hufflepuff

“You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are just and loyal, those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil,” said the Sorting Hat.
— Harry Potter and the Philosopher Stone

I have always said that if I wasn’t the proud Slytherin that I am today, I think I would have been a Hufflepuff. I mean how can you not love the amazingly sweet Hufflepuffs.

They are patient, loyal, supportive, and accept you for who you are. At the end of the day, we all need a Hufflepuff in our lives.

Just because you are in a certain Hogwarts house does not mean that those are the only traits you will embody. A Slytherin can be patient, a Hufflepuff can be cunning, a Ravenclaw can be brave and a Gryffindor can be witty.

I honestly have always thought that for a house that has produced the least and by least I mean ZERO dark wizards, Hufflepuffs have never gotten the spotlight they deserve to have in books and especially in movies. There is something to be learned from each and every house and this is what I have learned from the lovable loyal Hufflepuffs,

  1. Professor Pomona Sprout - Bravery & Resourcefulness

Professor Sprout is hands down my favorite Hufflepuff in the whole wizarding world. She helped save the lives of petrified students during the second year through mandrakes, awarded Harry house points “for passing her the watering can” in actuality for his interview with the Quibbler and telling truth about Cedric’s death and Voldemort’s return.

She was one of the teachers staying at Hogwarts during Voldemort’s reign to ensure her student’s safety and my personal favorite, she threw devil’s snare at deatheaters during the battle of Hogwarts.

I mean that’s just badass.

2. Newt Scamander - Kindness & Loyalty

Newt is undeniably the kindest person, a quality we all should have and practice. While other people believe beasts to be dangerous, Newt is kind to them, understands them, and takes care of them. Even when it comes to people, especially no-maj like Jacob, Newt is welcoming, kind, and loyal to a point where he helps Jacob start his business. He never seeks out power or personal gain and contributes in a major way in the fight against Grindelwald.

3. Cedric Diggory - Bravery & Kindness

Cedric Diggory being chosen as the Hogwarts Champion in the TriWizard Tournament was supposed to unite all four houses but then Harry’s name popped out of the goblet and Hogwarts ended up more divided than ever and then came the “Potter Stinks” badges.

Upon finding out that Harry’s name came out of the goblet, Cedric remained kind to Harry, never held any grudge against him. didn’t like the “Potter Stinks” badges going around the school and even asked his friends not to wear them. Even when Harry and Cedric were competing in the tournament, Cedric told Harry how to figure out the clue for the second task, when Cedric’s father accused Harry of the coverage he was getting at his son’s expense Cedric apologized to Harry and urged Harry to take the cup because Harry saved him from a spider in the maze. Even in death, Cedric helped when he appeared along with Harry’s parents during Harry and Voldemort’s duel.

I have always had difficulty reading and watching the part where Cedric is killed but even in the short life he had, Cedric has shown every step what a kind and compassionate human being he was.


4. Nymphadora Tonks - Bravery & Wit

Tonks might not be the most patient Hufflepuff but she is indeed the most fun Hufflepuff. Her upbeat attitude and positive outlook are contagious and I’d like to think that Tonks can give Weasley Twins a run for their money. I can never forget the moment in the Order of Phoenix when Tonks sends Dursleys a letter saying that they have been shortlisted for the “All England Best Kept Suburban Lawn Competition” so that they can move Harry from Privet Drive to Grimmauld Place. I mean if that doesn’t show her witty personality, I don’t know what will.

But all fun aside Tonks was incredibly brave. She fought for her love by not giving up on Lupin. She was an Auror which is not an easy profession and she was a member of the order. She fought for a cause she truly believed so that her son grows up in a world filled with light & love and not hatred.

So, who is your favorite Hufflepuff?

What Hufflepuff trait do you identify with the most?

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