Slytherin Pride

What can we learn from the house of Slytherin


Whenever I meet someone new and have a conversation about Wizarding World and Hogwarts as one normal person does, people usually are alarmed to hear me say with pride that I am a Slytherin.

It's more of a look of concern asking me if I am ok because I am identifying with the “evil” house and then I have to dive into a whole explanation that yes we have had our fair share of some real evil people but NOT ALL Slytherins are evil.

Trust me, we don’t want Voldemort to win either and we are cheering for Harry as well.

As for me, I’d like to think of myself as a background Slytherin. I am just happy that I received my acceptance letter to Hogwarts, I am going to be living in a beautiful castle, learn magic, make friends in all of the houses, take walks along the black lake, sit in Astronomy tower and look at the stars, go to Hogsmeade over the weekend, drink butterbeer and eat some chocolate frog.

Reading the books, I always felt as if JK Rowling put everyone she disliked in Slytherin and throughout the books there’s just a blanket statement of Slytherins being bad. I mean look at Peter Pettrigew, Gilderoy Lockhart and Quirinus Quirrell. Surely a few bad people doesn’t mean everyone in that house is bad.

We too have some good people in our house, some who might have started out a bit bad like Regulus Black but in the end made the right decision and the amazing Andromeda Tonks who refused to follow along with her family’s ignorant and false views, made a much more beautiful life of her own and helped the right side in the fight.

Then we have the mother’s love herself - Narcissa Malfoy who went against Voldemort for the love for her son which played quite a big role in Harry’s win and Draco himself, despite growing up as one of the most annoying person and someone who so proudly wanted to follow into his father’s footsteps and become a deatheater, saw the errors of his ways and had the decency to hesitate about the path he was walking on. (And yes in my books Draco is more redeemable)


In short, we Slytherins are very complex folks. I think our wit makes us resourceful and cunning, we are brave when the moment needs us to be. We are extremely loyal to those who we love and we are very ambitious when it comes to our dreams.

Or as the Sorting Hat oh so famously put it,

In Slytherin you will make your real friends. Those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends.

So, what Slytherin trait do you identify with?

And what do you think of Slytherin house? Do you think all Slytherins are bad?

Comment below.


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