What can we learn from the house of Gryffindor


We Slytherins and Gryffindors are known to have some serious rivalry but as we know, today is Gryffindor Pride day so we are going to celebrate our brave chivalrous Gryffindors and talk about what can we learn from them.

Gryffindor doesn’t have any shortage of good characters, I mean all of Order of Phoenix is made of Gryffindors and the majority of Dumbledore’s Army is Gryffindor. So there are plenty of Gryffindors to look up to and learn something from.

And today I want to talk about my most favorite Gryffindors and what can we learn from them.

  1. Neville Longbottom

Neville is hands down my favorite character in the whole Wizarding World. He is introduced to us as this shy, not so sure of himself kind of character. But even by the end of Philosopher Stone, we can see the potential he has. Neville is kind, patient, and above all, he is brave when it’s needed. I mean how can we forget the iconic slashing of Nagini.


2. Ginny Weasley

Ginny is one of the fiercest characters in the Wizarding World and honestly, movies did no justice to her. They cut out so many good Ginny moments from the movies and what really infuriates me is the addition of the shoelace scene. What was that about?

When we first meet Ginny she is shy but over the years she has one of the biggest transformations into a strong confident woman. Her quidditch rivals all her brothers combined. She restarted Dumbledore Army during the reign of Voldemort and even when Harry breaks up with her for her own safety, she doesn’t hide. She continues to fight for the right side and for a better future for the Wizarding World.


3. Professor Albus Dumbledore

Professor Dumbledore is a perfect example that a person can make mistakes, learn from those mistakes and become a better person. In his younger days, Dumbledore was very ambitious and wanted to go after deathly hallows with Grindelwald. This as we all know cost his sister Ariana’s life and his relationship with his brother Aberforth. However, he learned from this experience and went on to continue fighting for the right side.


4. Ron Weasley

Ron is a perfect example of a loyal brave person. No matter how unsure and sometimes afraid he is going into a situation, he always stands by Harry and fights alongside him. I mean he accompanied Harry to the Forbidden Forest and faced his fear - spiders when he was just 12. And how can we forget Ron going Horcrux hunting with Harry and Hermione, while he was constantly worried about his family’s safety.

Yes, there are moments when Ron is insecure but I think that’s what makes him relatable. We all have had the moments when we felt scared or doubted ourselves but what matters most is that we keep going and we face any challenges that life throws our way.

So who is your favorite Gryffindor?

And what do you think we can learn from the House of Gryffindor?

Comment below.


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